Sunday, November 16, 2008



The JIL Church adheres to the evangelical, full-gospel (Pentecostal-charismatic) distinctives in doctrine, ministry and experience. We affirm the Laussane Covenant of 1974, the Manila Manifesto of 1989 and the historic creeds of Christianity especially the apostles’ and Nicene Creed.

We hold that the Church is central in God’s redemptive plan on this earth and it is God’s agent for evangelism and transformation. The JIL Church recognizes the urgency of this task and is committed to take the whole Gospel to the whole world until the Great Commission is fulfilled.

The Church is called upon not only to evangelize the lost but also to disciple and equip believers for effective and fruitful service. JIL Church shall provide various training programs where by the Spirit, through the Word, and the five-fold ascension gifts in Ephesians 4, the members are prepared to function in their grace and giftings.

JIL Church recognizes worship as the priority ministry of all believers and through the life – nourishing power of worship flows out evangelism and other ministries. Therefore, JIL Church shall equip its members to live a lifestyle of worship.

The Bible is God’s Word and we acknowledge its absolute authority upon our lives and the Church. JIL Church shall endeavor to pattern all its conduct, practices and ministries according to Scriptural principles.

JIL Church shall equip and release its members to be prayer warriors and intercessors because we believe that through prayer and intercession we top into God’s inexhaustible resources and destroy the works of Satan thereby establishing God’s rulership over all spheres of life and over the nations of the world.

Every JIL leader and member shall endeavor to live a life pleasing to the Lord and must always conduct himself with purity, integrity and consecration, manifesting the righteousness of God and the fruit of the Spirit.

JIL Church believes that excellence and integrity in the conduct of ministry must be upheld at all times and therefore all JIL pastors and ministry leaders/workers must adhere to a Standard for Leaders and must conform to a Covenant of Ministry Excellence before they are released into ministry.

Every JIL member is a vital part in fulfilling the mission and vision of JIL Church. He shall endeavor to develop and utilize his God-given gifts for His service through the multi-­ministries of the Church, faithful attendance of Church activities, prayer and giving of tithes and offerings, and other resources..

The family, as a covenantal institution ordained by God is the foundation and validation of our ministries; therefore, JIL Church is committed to equip families to become strong units of society where each member is functioning according to his/her Biblical role and responsibility.

Marriage is designed by God to be a lifelong and permanent relationship between a man and woman and that divorce and separation are not solutions to marital problems and discord. JIL Church shall always uphold the sanctity of marriage and oppose any attempt to destroy it by any person, group or sector.

The Church is called to be salt and light of the earth, therefore JIL Church shall endeavor to exert a strong prophetic influence upon the government and the whole nation through socio­ - political involvement which we be1ieve is part of our Christian duty.

We believe that the Church is to share God's compassion for the poor, distressed and oppressed. To this end, JIL Church shall establish ministries that shall be concrete expressions of God's love and mercy to the marginalized members of the society.

We believe that the Church must handle its finances and other resources as good stewards with utmost integrity, according to high ethical monetary practices and always in the manner that honors the Lord. JIL Church recognizes that all tithes and offerings are from God and must always be spent wisely and appropriately for the ministry.

We affirm that the Church of Jesus Christ is only One but with many local congregations; that Jesus is the Chief Shepherd with many undershepherds. JIL acknowledges that it is only one of the local expressions of the one, universal Church and is committed to work with Christ-centered and Bible-based local churches and Christian organizations to advance God's kingdom in the spirit of unity and mutual recognition of giftings.


Mission is purpose. Purpose is our reason for living. And we were made, not merely to drift, to exist but to live. And the Jesus is Lord Church was given birth from the heart of God in order to live.

Disciples in every land fashioned after God... Disciples like unto the Lord: strong, after the strength of the Lord; wise, after the mind of the Lord; compassionate, after the heaqrt of the Lord; righteous, after the soul of the Lord; and powerful, after the Spirit of the Lord... This is our mission. This is our statement... Glory to the Lord!


"A Glorious Church evangelizing and discipling Filipinos and all the peoples of the world through teaching and preaching the full Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ."

The future seen in the present and built from the past... that is vision. "where there is no revelation [vision], the people cast off restraint [perish]." (Proverbs 29:18) Divine visions are clear pictures inspired by God to a chosen people at a chosen time. Vision direct. Visions change. A chosen people of this generation, the Jesus is Lord Church has, for years, been propelled by a vision placed by God into the hearts of its leaders. Rather than perish, this God-given vision has been the Church's guiding light to the unseen future.



Values are timeless.They are found in every society of every culture of every people in every land. They cross boundaries. They counter boundaries. Passionate love for God, love and compassion for others, integrity, faithfulness andexcellence are values that should make up the CORE of every Christian man, woman and child.

Passionate Love for God (Deuteronomy 6:5)

"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple.And anyone who does not carry his cross and followme cannot be my disciple... any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26,27,33)
Love and Compassion for Others (Jude22-23)

"If i have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." (1 Corinthians 13:2)

Integrity (Psalm 41:12)

"But you, O Lord, have mercy on me; raise me up, that I may repay the. I know that you are pleased with me, for my enemy does not triumph over me. In my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever." (Psalm 41:10-12)

Faithfulness (Matthew 25-21)

"HIsmaster replied,'Weldone, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness." (Matthew 25:21)

Excellence (Daniel 6:3)

"Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the realm." (Daniel 6:3) NKJV

Excellence. The very word conveys 'possession of eminently good qualities, great merit, virtue or goodness'. 
But excellence cannot be measured in the form of intellectual tests alone, nor in attitude alone. Excellence is as much in mind as it is in character. And Daniel had both a keen mind and an irreproachable character.